
In this multi-lesson unit students will learn more about how WikiPedia works and how WikiPedia can be used effectively as a "LAUNCHPAD" for information validation and research.




Day 1: Understanding WikiPedia Sketchnote

Today we will create and share Sketchnotes about WikiPedia to better understand how it works and how we can use it as a "launchpad" for our curiosity and even research into different topics.

"WikiPedia is a launchpad, not a finish line" when it comes to finding and using information.


Watch the first 13.5 minutes of the video, Using Wikipedia: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #5.

Create a Sketchnote of your learning points and takeaways.


Turn your Sketchnote in three ways:


To get ready for our next activity / lesson, use the "Casady Self-Service" iPad app to install "Loom: Screen Recordings & More."

Sketchnote by Dr. Fryer (shared on Flickr)

"Wizard of Oz" video clip to use in the context of discussing WikiPedia TALK PAGES

Day 2: Just Add WikiPedia Screencast

Today will will:


To get ready for this activity / lesson, use the "Casady Self-Service" iPad app to install "Loom: Screen Recordings & More."

STEP 1 - Loom Screencasting

Watch the 3 minute video (starting at 0:43) "Loom Instructions for iPad"

Create a practice screencast (which you will NOT turn in) recording and showing something on your iPad. Play your screencast when finished to CONFIRM you recorded BOTH your screen and your audio.

STEP 2 - Just Add WikiPedia

Many times when someone sends us a link or we find a link online, we encounter unfamiliar sources. WikiPedia can be helpful as a STARTING POINT to learn more about web sources. We can do this by JUST ADDING WIKIPEDIA to a web search for a website / URL, as demonstrated in this video by Mike Caufield.

Watch the 3.5 minute video, "Just Add Wikipedia (Source Verification Omnibar Hack)."

Watch the 2 minute video, "Just Add WikiPedia on an iPad to Check a News Source" (this shows how to do this technique in the Safari for iPad app)

Choose the article link below BASED ON YOUR BIRTH MONTH, and perform a JUST ADD WIKIPEDIA search. See what you can learn about the SOURCE WEBSITE:

STEP 3 - Create and Share a Screencast Tutorial

Record a LESS THAN 60 SECOND screencast in LOOM, demonstrating and TALKING THROUGH your use of the "Just Add WikiPedia" source checking technique.

Turn your LOOM LINK in via Google Classroom.