
This lesson helps students learn how to create and manage secure passwords (which are unique, complex and long) using the Chrome Password Manager (passwords.google.com). *


  1. Highlight the importance of password safety (haveibeenpwned.com)

  2. Introduce students to the Chrome Password Manager (passwords.google.com)

  3. Help students add at least 2 passwords to their Chrome Password Manager

    1. MyCasady (school SIS login)

    2. Scratch


  1. Students should be logged into their school Google account on a Chromebook or other device.


  1. Type an email address or ask a student to type a real email address (can be a parent's email, for example) into the website haveibeenpwned.com.

  2. View and discuss the results, especially for password compromises, including what it means to have a password on the 'dark web'

  3. Watch the video, "Staying secure with Chrome's password manager"

  4. Visit passwords.google.com and use the PASSWORD CHECKUP. Look for duplicated, weak or breached / hacked passwords. (Start the process of changing them if needed)

  5. Visit your Chrome Password settings (Settings - AutoFill - Passwords)

  6. Very your MyCasady password is saved (and WORKS) or save it by logging in.

  7. Verify your Scratch account is saved (and WORKS) or save it by logging in. Create a new Scratch account with your Casady.org email account if you don't have one already.


  1. Parents and older students with their own smartphone should consider using password manager software. (This video has more info.)

What makes a password secure?

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TEDxUCO "Technology Fear Therapy" - 25 March 2021 (@wfryer)