Issues That Matter

As we consider the ways we want to "use our voices" to advocate for change and help make our world a better place, it's good to consider what issues we care about and want to change. Here are some suggestions. Please share suggestions to add to our list!

Clean Up Ocean Plastics

Ethical Artificial Intelligence

"...shift technology towards a more humane future..."

(67 minute documentary film)

Climate Change

"ActNow is the United Nations campaign to inspire people to act for the Sustainable Development Goals."

"We can and should do more to address climate change."

Animal Rights

Healing Our Culture from Past Racial Wounds

Truth, Justice, Healing

"Uncovering History, Making Connections, Working Toward Healing, and Taking Action."

More background about Dr. Fryer's initial connection to "Coming to the Table" is available.

Stop Killer Robots