Scratch Maze Hall of Fame

One of my favorite coding projects to teach / facilitate with students is creating a Scratch Maze. I've been using various versions of this lesson for over 10 years in coding classes as well as "Scratch Camps" and workshops I facilitate. These are some exemplary Scratch maze projects created by students at PDS since I started teaching here in fall 2022. (That year I taught Robotics and started students coding in Scratch.) Lots more student Scratch maze projects are shared in this Scratch Studio. Links on each semester's date connect to our shared spreadsheet of student Scratch profiles. Some of the best Scratch maze projects I've personally created over the years include "6 Level Speed Maze" and "Pac Man Versus The House."

My Scratch Maze lesson exemplifies Scratch coding pedagogy of having students create in an environmebnt with "a higher bar and a low ceiling." Every student can be successful, but there is LOTS of room for creativity and imaginative coding!

last updated 9 Oct 2024

By Alexa

by Brooks

by Rohan

by Mary Ford

by Cooper B.