These are instructions for creating a "Web Searchable Spreadsheet" with Google Sheets and Google Sites. This is an advanced lesson for my middle school web design course and students. *

If you use this lesson please let me know! **

Create a Dynamic Searchable Website with Google Sheets

This guide will help you build a dynamic, searchable website using Google Sheets and Google Sites.

Example files:

Step 1: Create and Populate Your Google Sheet

Go to Google Sheets and create a new spreadsheet.

Add these column headers in the first row:

Add your data in the rows below, filling in:

Share the sheet:

Step 2: Create a Google Apps Script Web App

3. Deploy the App:

Step 3: Create the HTML Interface

Replace YOUR_WEB_APP_URL with the URL you deployed in Step 2.

Step 4: Embed in Google Sites

* Depending on how your school Google Domain is configured for SHARING outside your organization, these steps may not work. I recommend first, as a teacher, replicating these steps with your own personal Google account, then replicating on a school account. Also keep in mind sharing settings may be configured differently for student education domain accounts compared to teacher accounts. Testing for your specific domain / context is therefore important before using this in a formal lesson.

** Please let me know if you use this lesson / these techniques by either: