These are Chrome extensions I use, like and recommend. More details are available in this blog post. (Updated 2 Nov 2022)
A free and light-weight (doesn't require much memory) ad blocker.
Displays a different image from Google Earth each time you open a new tab or window in Chrome.
Quickly turn Chrome Extensions on or off.
Save memory in your web browser / on your computer by "suspending" unused tabs automatically.
Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash
Quickly copy the HTML color code from any part of a webpage.
Photo by David Pisnoy on Unsplash
Quickly evaluate a website for accessibility, using WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaulation Tool.)
Create formatted citations for works cited / bibliography references. Requires separate software download / install.
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
Save a webpage article into your "Pocket" list for later distraction-free reading.
Instead of something like "2 years ago" this changes the date shown on YouTube for a video, to the actual date it was uploaded / published.
Other extensions I use / have used and recommend include 1 Password, Share YouTube Video Upload Date, LastPass, OneTab, Buffer, Hypothesis, Screencastify, DraftBack, Privacy Badger, WikiWand, and Share Extensions.
For a past version of this list, see my June 2015 post, "Seven Indispensable Google Chrome Extensions." Most of those extensions are still on this list!