This is an ARCHIVED version of Wes Fryer's Sketchnoting Unit and Lesson Series.


In this multi-lesson unit students will learn about basic guidelines and develop basic skills for effective sketchnoting: Representing ideas non-linguistically with visual icons / drawings as well as text..



Preferred Sketchnoting Tools

(These are dynamic and subject to change, depending on app / platform updates!)

For iPad users:

For Chromebook users:

Sketchnoting Examples

More examples of Sketchnotes and Narrated Sketchnotes by Dr. Fryer are available.

Exported Time-Lapse Version


Day 1 Activity: Introducing Sketchnoting

Today is our introductory lesson for our Sketchnoting unit. We are going to to watch a TEDx talk video by a person who is now a professional sketchnoter, a visual artist. We will learn that sketchnoting can be a powerful, alternative way from "traditional notes" to document your learning in a meaningful way.

As shown in the attached photo and sketchnote, sketchnoting is a process of watching information with your eyes and listening to information with your EARS, processing it in your brain, and then sending out those combined ideas OUT with your hand onto a digital screen, piece of paper, or other medium.

3 Basic Tips for Sketchnoting are:

Watch the first half of the video "Drawing in Class" by Rachel Smith and create a SKETCHNOTE of things you learn from her talk.

Narrrated Sketchnoting

After students learn to create basic sketchnotes, it's great to learn ways to NARRATE those sketchnotes. Check out this tutorial video (3 min) about how to use the built-in features of the iPad (included with iPadOS 14 and later versions) to create an iPad screen recording, like a narrated sketchnote. A narrated sketchnote example is also available.

Day 2 Activity: Adobe Photoshop Sketch Tips

Today we will practice sketchnoting after going over some different tips for using Adobe PhotoShop Sketch. Some of the important procedures you want to know and practice are how to:

Watch the video "Why You Should Put YOUR MASK On First (My Brain Without Oxygen) - Smarter Every Day 157," and create a Sketchnote about it. Export your sketchnote and share it three ways:

Adobe PhotoShop Sketch Tutorials

Watch 1 or both of these video tutorials to learn more about different TECHNIQUES for drawing and creating sketchnotes with the Adobe PhotoShop Sketch app for iPad.